and get younger with time.
Before I watch this movie, I have already attracted by this story.
How amazing is this story?
Benjamin Button's diary recount his entire extraordianry life.
It's like we all (as audience) moving forward together with the plot, but he is moving backward.
But, actually, I think it is not.
If you realize his mentallity and intelligence, he is moving his life forward too.
The "reverse" part is the most interesting part.
But actually, this is only happen to his physical appearance.
Is his life extraordianary?
Is his life amazing?
Is his life so special?
Is his life really that curious?
But, the way Benjamin Button grow, old and die, is pretty similiar with ordinary people.
"We all end up in diapers."
In the end, eventhough he is growing younger, but still,
he lost his memory, he gots bad temper,
he lost his ability to speak, walk, and write,
just like an old man.
The most important thing is, due to his physical appearance,
he is able to see everything by his own point of view, in different angle and different dimension.
And these....are the moral issues that worth for us to think and think again.
Ofcourse, due to the fate that he has to start his life aging backwards,
there are alot of contradict, complex and sad consequences that he has to face.
I really cannot share much with you about this movie,
I do not know how to describe my feeling after I watch this movie.
I do not know how to explain the complex plot.
because it is too amazing, and you really have to watch it yourself.
This movie is a multi-nominated film in Oscar.
Critically, it receive positive comments.
I like the cinematography, screenplay and music.
Absolutely beautiful.
The make up and CGI of Benjamin Button are very convincing and good.
But you cannot give full credit only to behind the scene,
as this character cannot played by any Tom Dick or Harry.
Did Brad Pitt act well?
I have no extreme comment to this.
But I think his acting is quite mature, not bad.
And Cate Blanchett's great performance, really can see some chemical effects between Brad Pitt and her.
But personally, I found that Cate Blanchett looks so similiar like Tilda Swinton (another female character in this movie, the actress who played the white witch in Narnia).
I get confused, I admit.
Watching "Curious Case of Benjamin Button" remind me of some movies.
there are some similiarities between these movies.
"Forrest Gump",
for their (Forrest and Benjamin) amazing journey.
But Forrest is a much more "real" character.
You probably can see a Forrest in real-life.
Tom Hanks portrayed this character with his natural and "naughty" performance.
Benjamin is darker and mysterious,
you can't find any Benjamin in this planet.
Brad Pitt lets you feel heartbreaking and numb.
If I have to choose one of them to be my friend, I would choose Forrest.
This movie also remind me about Adam Sandler's "Click".
Another meaningful movie that makes you think about your life.
It teach you how to appreciate every single moment in your life.
We can see, Benjamin struggle for his entire life to be with Daisy.
He grow younger and she grow older.
When they met at the age of 40+ , it is the perfect timing for them to live together.
These are the most precious moment for them, but it only happen for a very short moment.
The movie tell us, learn to appreciate.
it is worth for you to struggle your entire life, just to get a short but lovely happiness.
Not forget to mention Andy Lau's "Wait Till You Are Older".
Also a serious movie that talk about life and death.
Ofcourse, unlike "Wait Till You Are Older",
this movie didnt explain much about how come Benjamin Button is born like this and why he need to live his life reverse.
The most important thing is, due to his physical appearance,
he is able to see everything by his own point of view, in different angle and different dimension.
And these....are the moral issues that worth for us to think and think again.
Ofcourse, due to the fate that he has to start his life aging backwards,
there are alot of contradict, complex and sad consequences that he has to face.
I really cannot share much with you about this movie,
I do not know how to describe my feeling after I watch this movie.
I do not know how to explain the complex plot.
because it is too amazing, and you really have to watch it yourself.
This movie is a multi-nominated film in Oscar.
Critically, it receive positive comments.
I like the cinematography, screenplay and music.
Absolutely beautiful.
The make up and CGI of Benjamin Button are very convincing and good.
But you cannot give full credit only to behind the scene,
as this character cannot played by any Tom Dick or Harry.
Did Brad Pitt act well?
I have no extreme comment to this.
But I think his acting is quite mature, not bad.
And Cate Blanchett's great performance, really can see some chemical effects between Brad Pitt and her.
But personally, I found that Cate Blanchett looks so similiar like Tilda Swinton (another female character in this movie, the actress who played the white witch in Narnia).
I get confused, I admit.
Watching "Curious Case of Benjamin Button" remind me of some movies.
there are some similiarities between these movies.
"Forrest Gump",
for their (Forrest and Benjamin) amazing journey.
But Forrest is a much more "real" character.
You probably can see a Forrest in real-life.
Tom Hanks portrayed this character with his natural and "naughty" performance.
Benjamin is darker and mysterious,
you can't find any Benjamin in this planet.
Brad Pitt lets you feel heartbreaking and numb.
If I have to choose one of them to be my friend, I would choose Forrest.
This movie also remind me about Adam Sandler's "Click".
Another meaningful movie that makes you think about your life.
It teach you how to appreciate every single moment in your life.
We can see, Benjamin struggle for his entire life to be with Daisy.
He grow younger and she grow older.
When they met at the age of 40+ , it is the perfect timing for them to live together.
These are the most precious moment for them, but it only happen for a very short moment.
The movie tell us, learn to appreciate.
it is worth for you to struggle your entire life, just to get a short but lovely happiness.
Not forget to mention Andy Lau's "Wait Till You Are Older".
Also a serious movie that talk about life and death.
Ofcourse, unlike "Wait Till You Are Older",
this movie didnt explain much about how come Benjamin Button is born like this and why he need to live his life reverse.
Luckily they didnt, because if they did, it will definitely spoil the movie.
I am sure the reason or cause would be a "childish" and ridiculous one,
just like how "Wait Till You Are Older" get fucked up.
It also remind me about Tom Hanks' earlier movie "Big",
I can't actually recall the plot of the movie, will talk about it nextime.
The flashback narration is like "Titanic", anyway, this is just a minor part of the movie, not so important I know.
Allright, I guess I talk too much,
before I end, I wana recommend you all to watch this movie, that's all!!!
It also remind me about Tom Hanks' earlier movie "Big",
I can't actually recall the plot of the movie, will talk about it nextime.
The flashback narration is like "Titanic", anyway, this is just a minor part of the movie, not so important I know.
Allright, I guess I talk too much,
before I end, I wana recommend you all to watch this movie, that's all!!!
hey !!
i wanna watch tis movie leh !!
haven watch yet !!
u hav tis movie ??
borrow me //
paiseh, I dunhave it...
i watch it online,stream at xunlei...quality is good!
Faster watch la,haha....
I gonna wait and wait ffor this movie to screen on cinema ==
gosh, when it is gonna screen !!!
haha come back nia got good reviews from u liao =) i'm currently downloading all the golden globe nominated movies =D should be a good watch!
I read the book a few years back and cried it really is very very sad. But in the first chapter of the book they explain about his birth deformity and how his parents choose to give birth to him anyway its very sad lor to live life being unable to live normally like other people. I can't wait for the movie to come out in cinemas :) good review!
thanks for dropping by again Aunty Szetoo!
tell us more about Benjamin Button nextime k?
c ya!!!
you say the book explain about his birth deformity and how his parents choose to give birth to him.....
(Well, I never read the books...
I am so sorry)
But,usually the filmmakers will come out with a ridiculous reason and explanation for the story like this....
(this is what I think la)
So, I think they better don't risk themselves into this situation.
Which is why, I like this movie, because they didnt
Finally finish the movie.
I love it love it love it!!!
I was so amazed by how the narrator tell hor Daisy got an accident in Paris.
The way of telling story is so artistic, implicit and vrey creative. The color of the movie is so nice, able to tell the setting by the color.
It was a sad ending, but after all this movie really make ppl think deep, what are we doing with our life?
This movie is awesome! Tumbs up!
absolutely breathtaking! i didn't notice that i wasn't moving at all in the cinema until i decided to change the way i crossed my legs ... it was then that i felt that bit of numbness ... it was THAT long.
simply amazing stuff!
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