A modernize Robinson Crusoe story.
A crash landing on the deserted island, and he begin his amazing journey.
The main character's name is Chuck Noland, played by Tom Hanks.
If you take the first word from Chuck, then add in to his surname,
it reads "C.Noland"
"See No Land!!!"
Allright,my opinion to this movie....
I like Tom Hanks' performance in this movie.
Overall, this is a boring movie with not much use of sound, not much use of visual effects, and not much use of excellent cinematography.
After the plane crash, you can only see one man show.
Man to watch~ Tom Hanks~
He steal the show, and it's like watching HIS SHOW on HIS STAGE.
Tom Hanks' outstanding performance support the whole movie.
No music used in almost the entire movie.
Trust me, this is a movie that you are not going to watch together with your friends or family, because it is so quiet.
Overall, this movie is so boring and dull.
Without the music to carry audience emotion,
it allows Tom Hanks to has his very own space, to fully utilized his great acting skill.
Tom Hanks carry the audience mood all by himself.
Beside, Chuck Noland do not has any friend in the island, which mean....
there is no acting opponent for Tom Hanks, only a volleyball, called Wilson.
How amazing is this, to see a volleyball co-starring with a top-class actor.
I know many people do not like this movie, and many people will not like this movie.
But, if you only seek for a good acting, you should watch this movie.
I watched this movie in TV for few times. I do think that this movie is very interesting, in fact this might b the only Robinson movie I watch, but he acted very well.
I remember so well that he had the ball--Wilson as his friend.
He treated the ball like a friend and mate, he depends on the ball to continue his journey of waiting to be found. So real. A big clap for this movie :)
i remember watching this movie in form 2. my english teacher used this movie to help us relate to our literature book "robinson crusoe". She did very well in linking the characers. For eg: Wilson the ball was his best friend, just like crusoe had a friend (i forgot the name) in the book. i remember that i was just happy that for that 2 hours of literature class, i get to watch a movie instead of listening to 'lectures'. I wasn't really tat into the story then, but i don't know...i was young then. haha...if i were to watch it back again now, i think i'd appreciate it more
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