The most controversial film of all the time,since The Passion of the Christ....
Writing a review of the Da Vinci Code is hard for a person like me....
because, I am a Christian.
I watch this movie a couple of times, first time because of movie's popularity,second time because of curiosity.
First time I watch this movie from an audience point of view, but then, I watch it from Christian point of view.
I never read the novel before, I know many of my friends like it.
But if you asked them,majority of them do not like the movie.
Mainly because it is not exciting, and it is not as detailed as the novel did.
But most them clearly know that this is just a novel,with fictional story.
As for me, I got nothing much to say, from an movie audience point of view.
It is a boring movie, messy plot and weak structure.
The only thing I found that is good?
Hans Zimmer's score.
Beside that, I really don't know what is so good about the movie.
Now, from a Christian's point of view.
This is going to be harsh for some people who like it.
The first mistake is the title for the story and film.
Da Vinci Code?
come on, this is Dan Brown Code.
Do you know who is Leonardo Da Vinci?
I bet you don't know.
Because most of us do not even know how to pronounce Da Vinci.
It should be pronounce in Italian, not English.
So,the translation of Chinese is so wrong.
And for your information, Da Vinci is a small town in Italy, not a person's name.
Allrite,maybe you don't care.
Next, I won't say Dan Brown is a devil, I won't say Dan Brown is an evil person who distorted the truth, historical facts and biblical history.
But, I say Dan Brown is a clever author who know how to make money.
Leonardo Da Vinci, probably one of the most clever person in history.
He died, and his name is used by Dan Brown to make money.
What if the novel called "Dan Brown Code"?
it won't sell....because many people called Dan and called Brown nowadays, especially in Western countries.
What if the novel called "Leonardo Code?"
it won't sell....because Hollywood has Di Caprio, and everyone knows that he is an actor.
The story of Da Vinci Code is very interesting indeed.
I admit that.
In the earliest part, a man is pursuaded by an Opus Dei's monk in the Grand Gallery of Louvre Museum.
Then, an Amercian symbologist called Robert Langdon,from Harvard University is contacted to investigate the crime scene.
Then soon, he is confused and seek for the help from Leigh Teabing, a British Royal Historian.
Interesting right???
What if I say,
A man is pursuaded by a psycho killer in Museum Negara Malaysia.
Then, an Malaysian professor, from Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman is contacted to visit the crime scene.
Then soon, he is assisted by a Indonesian Historian.
Ya, sounds funny,maybe some will laugh.
But frankly, it won't sell.
And nobody will believe the story,
because Museum Negara do not have a large history like Louvre did.
Nobody really care about Malaysian, nobody care about Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Nobody will believe in an Indonesian historian.
In the Last Supper painting, John is actually Mary Magdalane? and she rest at Jesus' arm?
if you really know Da Vinci's painting, then you will know why John is portrayed that femine.
If he is Mary Magdalane? Where is John then?
Judah, the one who betrayed Jesus is appeared in the painting?
but John, the best student of Jesus, did not?
I bet John will smack Leonardo da Vinci if he really paint the Last Supper without him.
Why Peter is holding the knife?
because the knife is used to cut the bread,
that simple.
There is no code inside!
Da Vinci will smack Dan Brown if he is still alive.
Da Vinci would be so upset because he was so poor in his life,
but his name is used by Dan Brown to make easy money.
For those who believe in Da Vinci Cide, I do not want to use the word "cheated".
But, which other word can I used?
The main point here is, Dan Brown wants to make money, and he did.
From the novel he wrote and publish.
From copyright he sell to Sony to make movie.
Who buy his books?
I didnt , my friends did.
Who watch the movie?
I did.
So, did he reach his goal?
Anyway, for those who spends their money on Da Vinci Code, but they do not believe in the story, you are not cheated.
But yes, you gave your money to Dan Brown.
I think about National Treasure.
The concept they use is absolutely the same.
To use some historical facts, such as scroll and coins, to twist and distorted the truth.
But, the different is.
National Tresure glorify American History.
So, no people will stand up and protest.
People like it, I like it.
I know it is not true, but I feel the concept and story is good.
But, Da Vinci Code has greater controversial.
It tends to convince the reader that Jesus is not a son of God, and He actually marry with Mary Magdalane.
Allright, I don't care about your religion at this moment.
But, Da Vinci Code actually question the most fundamental teaching and truth of Christianity.
So, what do you expect from Christian reaction?
Christian is ALLOW to watch the movie, I make it very clear.
Some of the Christian is NOT ENCOURAGE to watch the movie, because some of them do not have strong beliefs or strong biblical knowledge.
As for me, I don't think movie has such power to affect one person's religion.
Most of us know Da Vinci Code is not true, even the fans.
You don't expect a person to convert to Christian after he/she watch Passion of the Christ.
But, you don't expect a Christian to convert to other religion after he/she watch Da Vinci Code either.
Why are we talking about Da Vinci Code here?
it is no longer a hot topic.
I just listen to a preach by Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries Inthernational on CD, very interesting.
Some might take it seriously, some might not.
But I take it seriously.
Some people said, it is just a movie.
You can avoid it if you hate it.
"you don't have to say too much!"
But, the pastor just voice up the truth and reply the message in Da Vinci Code.
I think it is necessary, and it is reasonable for them to speak something, and to make some response.
Last time, my friends ask me many questions about Da Vinci Code, but I can't reply them much.
Today, I know, and I admit, I am taking this movie seriously.
Yes, the hot topic and hot controversial were what Dan Brown wish to see, because more discussion of this movie sells more money.
I am the best example, I watch it because everyone is talking about this movie.
At this point, Dan Brown has success.
This is the fact.
Jesus will not reborn in this world again.
Leonardo Da Vinci and Isaac Newton are dead.
We cannot prove anything from the person mentioned in the novel.
What left?
Historical location?
More and more people come to visit the church and museum mentioned in the book.
People come to the church and want to see Mary's tomb.
Their intention is influenced by the movie.
But, the church and museum cannot protest much because the fact is,
more people come to visit these location.
So, who do you believe in?
the fictional characters mentioned???
or Dan Brown?
Many people like Da Vinci Code because it hurt Christianity badly.
People who hate Christianity, people who do not belive in Jesus.
They simply enjoy the show and story,
because they feel that they are not alone,
because they feel that what they believe is supoorted by historical facts,
because Dan Brown wrote what they wish to read.
Angels and Demons is coming soon to the silver screen, and it is highly anticipate by many fans.
Frankly, I will go to watch the movie, because I want to know what happen.
I don't know what will happen in Malaysia, as we know, this country's official religion is Islam mah....
The country CAN BAN Passion of the Christ because it is too violence.
But they can allow Da Vinci Code to be screened, and highlighted that it was not censored.