A less controversial film adaptation from Dan Brown's novel.
Ron Howard treat the movie Angels and Demons as the sequel to the movie Da Vinci Code, although the book Angels and Demons was published before the book Da Vinci Code.
But throughout the whole movie, you cannot find any cliffhanger or bridge that reminds you about Da Vinci Code.
Tom Hanks reprises his role as Robert Langdon, is the only character remain.
Ofcourse, there are still some controversial issues in the story, but the way these issues present is not as harsh as Da Vinci Code.
As I always said, it's about questioning the fundamental truth of the religion, or not.
Da Vinci Code did that, but Angels and Demons did not.
So, personally I think it is fair to say that Angels and Demons is not an anti-Catholic film, because Robert Langdon never denied the existance of God.
The funny thing is, it is Robert Langdon who proved the conspiracy of Jesus Christ; this time comes to protect the church and pope, along with a beautiful scientist.
Moreover, the priest (Ewan McGregor) made a fair comment to support both science and religion.
Allright, let us now put aside the religion issue and just compare the movie Da Vinci Code, and the movie Angels and Demons.
Even though I do not see this movie is a direct-sequel to Da Vinci Code, but I think it is usual to compare these both movies, since they were film adaptations from the same novel author, directed by the same movie diretor, and lead by the same actor.
Novel fans think Da Vinci Code did not success to capture the interesting details of the novel.
I think the plot is very messy, too much of unnecessary story-line.
But, Angels and Demons is a harmless, comfortable, and entertaining movie.
After the failure of Da Vinci Code, Ron Howard learned from the lesson and makes Angels and Demons become a face-pace movie.
All of the important details and the essence of the novel remained in the movie, which is a good thing I believe.
The plot is solid and smooth, more action sequences....
There is no time for you to take a breath, because the clock is ticking and the bomb is going to explode in Vatican.
Tom Hanks (with a better hairstyle) do not have any room to flirting around with the pretty actress, and he simply do not have any extra time to meet an old friend and argue with him.
One similiar thing between Da Vinci Code and National Treasure (as I mentioned in January's entry) is how the way the clues being discovered and how the secret being revealed, it is very entertaining.
But this time, Angels and Demons did not surprise me or WOW me, perhaps these techniques are not fresh anymore.
Everyone around Tom Hanks looks like a fool and idiot, he got a team formed by Swiss Guard and Catholic Church to back him up.
But in the end, we can only see a Robert Langdon one man show.
*spoiler alert*
The worse thing is, priest Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) can alone direct the whole conspiracy drama, with just a little help from an assassin.
He can cheat the whole Catholic Church by giving them an old enemy, Illuminati.
Now what? Tom Hanks VS Ewan McGregor?
I mean, how can he do that???
he is too brilliant, which is very ridiculous....impossible....
Worse come to worst in the twist,
his plan moves so smooth all this while and he nearly success, but in the end he is defeated by what you know?
Not Holy Grail,
not ancient scrolls,
not Robert Langdon's brain.....
but is CCTV....what the hell....
I don't know how the novel ends the story, but personally I think this idea is very stupid. (no offense to novel fans)
Come on, you knew hell a lot of Catholic Church history and you got the whole Vatican Library to back you up, but in the end it is the CCTV to fuck you up?
What Dan Brown wants to prove? Technology can defeat religion knowledge???
CCTC? omg....this often happen in HongKong's cheap and low cost TV dramas.
This does not show how clever Robert Langdon is...to discover a CCTV....
Come on, this is Dan Brown, his fans think he is the most creative author of the world, I think he is a clever person too. But how can he ends the story just like that???
Anyway, frankly I don't know is this Dan Brown's idea or Ron Howard's idea, scriptwriter perhaps? anyone care to correct me???
If you really like Da Vinci Code (regarding to any elements), and you tends to find something similiar in Angels and Demons, you will be dissapointed.
Once again, music plays a vital part in Dan Brown's film adaptation.
Hans Zimmer develop the "Chevaliers de Sangreal" of Da Vinci Code as the main theme in Angels and Demons.
Not as epic as last movie, but it is much more peaceful and sorrow.
I like this movie, as simple as that. But I like the novel more.
What you can see in the movie is the 'simplify' of the complication when Robert Langdon solve the puzzle. In the book itself he faced more problems, tooks more steps, and more complicated to find the next location. I believe it's time constraint, the movie end up become like National Treasure. But still, this makes the movie easy to digest.
The ending, frankly what I can remember from the book is juz untill the priest took the bomb and flew away. But those after that I can't remember. Perhaps for the reader that ending is already OK for us. The rest...not memorable.
ps: you didn't mention about the setting, I think tat's quite impressed.
the book's ending wasn't because of a CCTV or something ... i think like what raisin said, they changed to content a bit to suit the time constraint ... the book, i feel, is definitely more fascinating compared to the movie =) for the previous movie; the Da Vinci Code, i was too disappointed with the movie to want to watch this second part ... maybe i'll download it just for the sake of watching, but i love the book too much to spoil it in the cinema for =(
thanks for the heads up! =) this is a very informative review!
hahahaha the book was so gooooooood and no there was no stupid CCTV i saw also i wanna laugh until die omg so sohai.
oi i belum read the book lar...now I know everything d lor...(well almost everything lar)..my book still on the ship. '=.=
Anyway my favourite line from JT's review: "Tom Hanks (with a better hairstyle) this time..." - bagus!! Bagus!!
My favourite line from the movie:
"Are you anti-Catholic Prof Langdon?"
-"No, I'm anti-vandalism"...
Sorry lar skrg only i got a chance to watch this movie. After I watch, straight away I want to read ur review.
Love this review haha...
But the thing is I somehow knew Ewan McGregor is the villain..tak best d
After I went to Vatican, I feelike watching this movie again....duno why....haha
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