one by a French Jewish cinema owner,
another by a group of American soldiers called 'Basterds'
An anticipated new Tarantino's film, as I am a huge fans of him.
I can watch Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill again and again but never get bored.
Inglourious Bastreds is pretty good, but if compared with Tarantino's previous movies,
there is no surprise, and there is nothing to cheer.
His style is still there, but the brilliant non-linear story-telling technique is gone, very dissapointing....
No iconic trunk shot, no long take in close-up shot, and....
No Uma Thurman,
which I believe her role is being replaced by a young French actress Melanie Laurent.
I guess if Uma Thurman is going to act in Inglourious Basterds, Melanie Laurent's role is definitely hers.
Whatsoever, Melanie Laurent is younger,and she did a good job in the movie,
especially in the scene where she holds her tears when she is talking to the 'Jew Hunter'.
The feeling of sadness and revenge, Melanie Laurent handle the expression better than Uma Thurman in Kill Bill.
But regarding to the character development, Tarantino definitely put more effort on Uma Thurman.
Christoph Waltz, who act as the 'Jew Hunter', a clever and charming detective,
present an awesome show for us!!!
Tarantino's claims that his character, Hans Landa, is probably the greatest character he ever written. ( I think it is)
He steal the show everytime he appear, he control the situation, he manipulate the scene!!!
He deserved Cannes Best Actor Award.
Another man to watch~~~Brad Pitt~~~the Hollywood superstar.
Okay, nothing much to comment on his acting all this while, but I really like his show in this movie.
His funny American accent, and his character....very well-done!!!
Diane Kruger's acting is.....poor???
well....average lar.....okie???
Mike Myer's cameo doesnt really boost up the excitement....
Back to Tarantino,
oh I miss the brilliant messy plot,
I miss the violence art,
I miss the fantastic title for each chapter....
Anyway, he still maintain his strength to handle a scene, everything is well-planned.
The script, the mise-en-scene, the gun-fight entry.
He can really drag a single simple scene to become very entertaining and interesting.
The conversation is long, and mindless.
But I like it!!!
That's Tarantino film, I simply can't resist his charm in the movie,
for no reason, and I just can't explain why....
And also, Tarantino like to do something unexpected....
We didnt see much in this movie, but personally I didnt expect Hitler will die....
After Brad Pitt is being captured and Melanie Laurent is being killed, I really thought that this is gonna be another failed attempt to kill The Fuhrer after 'Valkyrie', starring by Tom Cruise.
Lastly, is the music he used,
I can't tell you how much I love it....
you'll know why if you watched Kill Bill before!!!
So far, Inglourious Basterds is the best movie in 2009.